Butler Elementary School
SCC Agenda
Parent Members Employee Members
Lori Carter Yes Vacant _____
Tyson Grover No Gretchen Givone Yes
Annettte York No Jeff Nalwalker Yes
Sherrie Merrell No
January Anderson Yes
Carrie Welter No
- Carter welcomed the group and moved onto the next agenda item
SCC Training
- Butler SCC Bylaws
- District SCC Page
- The training was discussed and attendance options. L Carter will reach out to those individually based on attendance requests.
- The group was notified of the bylaw location and the group encouraged to review
- Note: If there are any inconsistencies the group was encouraged to review and bring those up to L. Carter.
- These are the bylaws for butler elementary specifically
Schedule Meetings 2022-23
- The group meets the second or third Wednesday of each month
- Meeting schedule for 22-23
- 12 October 2022 7:30am
- 16 November 2022 7:30am
- (Skipped December 2022)
- 18 January 2023 7:30am
- 15 February 2023 7:30am
- 15 March 2023 7:30am
- 26 April 2023 7:30am
Elect Chair and Co-Chair
- Due to the low attendance for this meeting, the elections will be moved to the next meeting.
Other business-Lori
- Teachers still need to select a second representative
- Anderson will remain on the committee
Next Meeting
- Plan to review school data in relationship to our goals
- RISE Testing Results