Butler Elementary School
SCC Agenda
Parent Members Employee Members
Lori Carter X Summer Briggs X
Tyson Grover ______ Gretchen Givone ____
Alex Prebula _____ Jeff Nalwalker ____
Annettte York X
Chris Gunther X
January Anderson X
Jeff set the motion to pass the minutes
January approves the minutes from the September meeting
Tyson approves the minutes from the September meeting
Summer and Lori approve the minutes from the September meeting.
Motion passes.
Elect New Parent Member -Lori
Annette student is no longer attend Butler Elementary, we need to find a new Parent Member
Since we already had elections, we can just appoint someone. If the SCC team has recommendations, email L. Carter the recommendations.
The team noted that we need to add process to our bylaws on how we appoint someone mid year should the need arise.
Schedule Meeting Dates-All Meetings scheduled for 7:30-8:30 on Zoom
September 15, 2021 October 13, 2021 November 10, 2021
December 08, 2021 January 12, 2022 February 9, 2022
March 9, 2022 April 13, 2022 May 11, 2022
SCC Annual Training
The group needs to take the SCC annual training. Links come out on Friday 10/15. L. Carter will ensure the links get to the group.
Second Step Discussion
- Nalwalker expressed that the second step discussions needs to come from parents as the class is being taught to the children and we want to ensure the parents are getting feedback and discussions they need to ensure the right decisions.
- SCC parent members support the general population of students parents and to engage them to the SCC members can bring the feedback to board meetings and other SCC groups at other schools.
- The second step program seems to be on the table for elementary schools, but no decisions have been made yet.
- There has also been some discussions within the district to allow local decision making, but nothing has been voted on yet
- Nalwalker encouraged the group to get involved in the district board meetings and voice their opinion.
- Carter asked the question about employees that are also parents, and how does the board consider those individuals voices (as parents or as teachers that teach the second step)
- There have been individuals in that position that speak at the board meeting, but there has not yet been any feedback on how that is received by the board.
- Nalwalker will reach out to the district to understand how the board views these opinions and how it weighs into the decisions
- Carter encouraged the group to attend the board meetings when second step is discussed.
Close Meeting
- The next meeting is Nov 10th.
- Nalwalker wants to talk about the School Safety and Digital Citizenship reports from the district
- York noted that she would not be able to attend the next meeting
- Gunther asked for the Zoom links prior to the meeting, J. Nalwalker.
- Carter noted that we need to have separate invites for all meetings.
- Motion to adjourn by Gunther, 1stby L. Carter, 2ndby A. Moss. All approved. Meeting closed
Next Meeting
1.) Receive School Safety and Digital Citizenship reports from the district -Complete 21-22 plan if time permits
2.) Review Current Year Land Trust Expenditures-Move to November