2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

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French Dual Language Immersion School

November 10, 2021 – Minutes

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda



Parent Members                                           Employee Members

Lori Carter                  ___X__                                   Summer Briggs           ___X__

Tyson Grover              __X___                                 Gretchen Givone         ___X__

Annettte York             _____                          Jeff Nalwalker            X

Chris Gunther             _____

January Anderson       __X___




New Member Appointment-Lori

We discussed a new member last meeting since Alex is no longer attending.   A. York had a new member interested, but we have not heard back yet.  J. Nalwalker will call the individual today and see if they are still interested.   


School Safety Plan

 Nalwalker sent out two links and a document for the school safety plan.There are no changes from last year on what the district is doing.

The council reviewed the school safety report on the district website.  It’s house bill 213, the council must engage with school safety and digital citizenship.  Transportation safety, social emotional support,

We also need to treat playgrounds like classrooms.  We need the parents to not be on the playground during school hours.  For security reasons, we need to have parents stay off of the playground until the bell rings.

It assists in children safety to ensure that no parent is allowed on the program or able to access the children from the back of the school.  It is important to student safety that all student access happens through the front of the office building only.


Digital Citizenship-Parys Lightel

 Parys Lightel could not make it today, so J. Nalwalker shared this information. It is a priority in the district to keep kids safe online and have them be good digital citizens.

It is very difficult to keep kids access limited and appropriate, but even with the attempts to access inappropriate content we have been able to keep the access limited.

The filter system is always being updated by the company that is being updated for us.  We also use management systems, so the teachers can access all that the kids are doing when the children pull out the chrome books, the teachers have the ability to view all of the children’s screen.

The passwords are also part of the protection, the district provides passwords that are secure, but simple for the children to remember.   Parents do have the ability to change the children’s passwords if they desire to do so.

The education for digital citizenship week that was last week, Parys provides messages to the teachers to include in their weekly newsletters.  Their are also rules for the students to follow and we provide training annually.

At Butler they have all Apple I-pads, chrome-books, they are a one to one school, and each student has a device.

General school concern is student access to the web with personal devices when they are at school. Students can view any website that they want when they are at recess.  Which is why J. Nalwalker makes the rule that phones need to be turned off and in the backpack.  That can be a disruption but not a safety issue if they do not have internet access. The kids do not need an internet device at school.  Period.

It was discussed at another school where children could have phones at school, so as long as they do not have an Internet Enabled device.


Questions asked by J. Nalwalker for the council to answer:

  1. Do you feel like the information presented was helpful – Council said Yes.
  2. Any school safety items you discussed that were in the report?

– We discussed safe walking routes briefly.

  1. Council what is the number one safety concern?

– Social Emotional Concern is the councils number one concern.

– Devices with Internet Access, which can include anti social behavior online along with disruption to learning.

– The council also discussed parking lot safety during pick up and drop off.

– Access of the playground by parents during school hours (8:30-3:00 pm)

  1. Does the SCC feel it received enough information about the filtering system – YES
  2. Enough information that our students are good citizens- YES
  3. Does SCC feel school has enough information to provide to parents about digital citizenship – YES


For the plan, how do we as a council want to address our number one concern?

– The council would like to research an approved SEL curriculum for the school

 – The school would like to discuss with parents how dangerous internet enabled devices can be at school

– Look into having middle school students speak to the elementary school students.


Next Meeting

Discuss the safe walking route, and discuss removal of one of the routes.  Specifically the route that the middle school also does not include in their walking route.

Our next meeting is in December, the meeting is on the calendar and is tentative at the time.   The group suggested to not have a meeting on 8 December for now.  If there is any movement on the SEL, we will meet in December to discuss.  The council will re determine this if we do need the meeting, but we do not have a need right now.  Our next meeting will be on 12 January, and we will need to meet for that for sure.


Other business-Lori

Action- J. Nalwalker to update the minutes that are currently posted for October 2021 with the modified ones that L. Carter adjusted an had approved at the meeting today.


Approval of last months meeting minutes.

Motion to approve the meeting minutes – made by T. Grover

Motion to second the meeting minutes – G. Givone

Motion to adjorn – L. Carter

Motion to approve (second) – J. Nalwalker