2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

March 29, 2023 – Agenda

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda



Parent Members                                           Employee Members

Lori Carter                  ____                            Aubrey Doyle             ____

Tyson Grover              ____                           Gretchen Givone         ____

Annettte York             ____                            Jeff Nalwalker            ____

Sherrie Merrell           ____

January Anderson       ____

Carrie Welter              ____







In-Day Criteria


Widely accepted guidelines from the medical community for outdoor winter play state, “In general, when the wind chill is 32° F and above, it’s safe to be outside. In temperatures 13° F to 31° F, indoor breaks should happen every 20-30 minutes. For wind chills of 13° and below, you should move activities indoors and outside of the cold as frostbite can set in very quickly.”


The criteria suggested by Canyons School District align with these guidelines and suggest that we bring/keep students inside when the temperature is below 22° F. In order to include other factors, such as windchill, Butler will use the “Real Feel” temperature provided at Accuweather.com. This reading may be higher or lower than the actual thermometer-measured temperature. We will also call an in-day when it is raining more than a drizzle or if we are experiencing a blizzard. In addition to these weather-related criteria, we will hold in-days in accordance with directives from the Utah Department of Air Quality.


We intend to bring/keep students inside when the Real Feel temperature is below 22° F.  Every effort will be made to make these decisions in a timely manner. In the event of extenuating circumstance, we understand the advice of medical professionals and realize that it is reasonable for students to play outside for up to 20 minutes in temperatures as low as 13° F. As students should not be lined up outside of school more than 15 minutes before the first bell and all recess periods are 20 minutes or less, we are satisfied that our students would be safe as long as the temperature, including windchill, is at least 13° F. This, however should be the exception rather than the rule, especially when temperatures are well below 20° F approaching the lower threshold of this range.