2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

March 10, 2021 – Minutes

Parent Members
Lori Carter                   X                                    
Tyson Grover              _                                  
Alex Prebula                X                                    
Annettte York              X
Chris Gunther              X                                    
January Anderson       X

Employee Members
Karen Hammer           X
Jeff Nalwalker             X
Gretchen Givone         X




Approve Minutes from previous meeting-Lori


Final Approval of 2021-22 TSSP-Jeff

  • Please come in and sign this week. I will leave the signature sheet at the front desk.


Other business-Lori

The group discussed adding baseline data to all of the goals in the TSSP.

The minutes will be reviewed individually by each of the group members via email and then J. Anderson will include those approvals in the march meeting minutes.

York asked what TSSP student teacher success plan was and the group discussed the meaning.

 The group also discussed strategies for developing instructions constraints and the group discussed powering through the curriculum and the desire and plan to strive to succeed despite the effects of COVID.

 Nalwalker provided an example of next year and noted that some systems are looking at repeating the grade work for each grade. J. Nalwaker wants to continue progressing forward and not act as if we are going to teach old content, though be aware and intentionally fill the holes where required, but not to focus on repeating content.

The group discussed CREA and J. Nalwalker explained what the CREA was.

The group discussed why Reflex math was in the budget. The reason that Reflex math is in the budget is because the district recently stepped away from and want the students spending time in Dreambox.  The concern is that Dreambox does not work in French or Spanish and the English DLA classes do not have time to practice.  So by us continuing to purchase a license in reflex, that allows the students to continue to work in computation in french class.

The group, similar to the discussion in the February meeting, noted that the lower grades were for kindergarten were due to covid and the group discussed why that affected the grades and how.

The group requested that there be something added that is measurable, in the action plan summary. Do we have the number of lessons completed?  Do we have a baseline, if we do not have a baseline, do we at least have a goal? The group requested adding something to base our progress off of.

There is a weekly social emotional lessons, we will complete the second step for the entire school year, in addition, supplemented with anti bullying lessons will be added into the plan. Those strategies for addressing the results of instructional constraint during the pandemic include, prioritizing content and learning, maintaining the inclusion of each and every learner and identifying and addressing gaps in learning through instruction while avoiding the misuse of standardized testing to place kids into high or low ability groups or providing low levels of instructional rigor to lower performing students

Nalwalker will take the action and before the team can sign off on the TSSP plan and update the goal section of the plan.

Nalwalker will then send it out to the group, L. Carter will create an email and the SCC will vote in the email voting later today when we vote on the minutes and on the updated goal.

In concept the teachers will teach 100% of the second step curriculum, and will include the school anti bullying curriculum ( which has been used in pBIS)  Then we will have a quantitative measure of the number of SEL lessons completed weekly, will be one social emotional learning lesson.

Nalwalker asked if the group had any comments about the plan, went around the table, and no one had any additional comments.

We are three weeks out from the TSSP due out and on schedule so we are doing well to meet our deadline

Nalwalker will update the goals section, send the wording to L.Carter, and do a motion to approve the minutes and the goal wording in the email and she will doa motion to approve


Jeff proposed a motion to adjourn the meeting

Chris second the motion

All in favor, yes,

None opposed, motion passes.