2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

January 7, 2025 – Minutes (Draft)

Butler Elementary School

SCC Minutes



Christy Phillips X

Annalisa Spencer X

Richard Medina X

Abby Bacon X

Natalie Bletzacker X

School Representatives:

Aubrey Doyle (3rd grade) X

Briana Williams (5th grade) X

Tracy Stacy X

Welcome — Ms. Stacy

1. TSSP plan – begin draft for next school year

Reviewed Acadiance data, which is the big picture of literacy assessment. We take Acadiance

assessments in August, January, and May. We use progress monitoring data in the interim.

Students who are below or well below benchmark are monitored and teachers are required to

enter data for progress monitoring in between assessments. They also receive extra instruction

in between the progress monitoring.

2. New LAND Trust plan – begin draft for next school year

Teachers can also monitor student progress via their 95 Percent progress and Wonders

(comprehension program) that happen daily. There are many opportunities for monitoring. We

can use these data points to help teachers know what to work on. Rise does not give us enough

specifics on where students are lacking.

Asked Aubrey and Briana if using 95 Percent and Wonders would be helpful/feasible for setting

goals and monitoring student progress. Discussion on feasibility of grading, gathering,

assessing data. Some features are in the workbook but some are online, which are easier to

grade and monitor for students who need monitoring. This feels like more of a shift rather than

adding more work, according to Briana. Acadiance does not give enough detail on why students

may score low on something, but this system gives much more detail that is helpful.

Ms. Stacy would like to set goals this way for next year, with focus mostly on ELA, not in every

category. Would like to include Grace Dearborn professional instruction for teachers. We think

we’re on track for about $98,000 for next year.3. Final end-of-year report

Final report for next year – will go over all the expenditures. It’s preloaded on the website when

Ms. Tracy goes to submit. We don’t use Reading Inventory anymore (it was on last year’s plan),

so we will adjust those goals. We did not meet most of our goals from last year. We would like

to make goals based on instruction and content standards.

Review of Current Land trust plan – we are currently at 36% of expenditures. Still need to hire

one more reading aide. Please reach out if you have a contact.

4. Adjourn meeting

Motion to adjourn – Annalisa Spencer. Seconded by Christine Philips.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 11th at 7:30 AM.