2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

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French Dual Language Immersion School

January 12, 2022 – Minutes

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda & Minutes



Parent Members                                           Employee Members

Lori Carter                     X                              Summer Briggs           X

Tyson Grover              _____                         Gretchen Givone         X

Annettte York                X                              Jeff Nalwalker            X

Chris Gunther                X

January Anderson         X

Keri WElter                  X





New Member Appointment-Lori

Welcome new member, Keri Welter for SCC.

The SCC group welcomed the new member Keri Welter.  C. Gunther motion to appoint, J. Nalwalker motion to second.  All members passed and approved the motion.



The SCC group reviewed the plan together.

The discussion that followed included:

  1. Nalwalker Nalwalker does not know of any major changes from the last. He requested the group note the text description of the walking route. J. Nalwalker noted that there are no changes to that section.

The group noted that we should review the removal of Ft. Union off the safe walking route due to the snow that builds up in the winter from the snow plows.

The group reviewed the map and ensured if we take ft union off of the map the children can also get to school.  The group concluded after review, instead of removing Fort Union off of the safe walking route, to have J. Nalwalker put a note, avoid ft union in winter as the sidewalks are covered with snow.


ACTION:  J. Nalwalker add a note to the safe walking route to avoid Ft. Union in the winter due to snow buildup.


The next section the group reviewed in the SNAP plan was considerations for the district. No changes.

The next section is kids for the municipality.   The group discussed the suggested add for parents asking for a push button light to help them cross a push button light when the crossing guards are not available.  Due to this being a city concern and not something the school board can add alone, this was removed from the school plan and can be taken up directly with the city of Cottonwood Heights.

 There was a discussion for daycare buses to use the same pickup spots, also for drop off.  J. Nalwalker noted that he had not seen the Daycare buses backup during the drop off.   In order to request the daycare vans to use the spots for morning drop off, a study would need to be conducted. One of the elements to be added to that study would be driver and student safety.  The group agreed to gather more information about this before it gets placed in the SNAP plan as formal


SEL Curriculum

The SEL Curriculum was sent out via email to all SCC members for review and approval via email.  J. Nalwalker made the motion to approve the new SEL Curriculum and that L. Carter seconded the motion to approve.  The motion passed 8-1 .


ACTION:  Conduct a study to determine if the Daycare vans should use formal parking spots at morning drop off, similar to how the use those same spots at afternoon pickup.


The next pages is changes, roads and neighborhoods.  The group was not aware of any issues with this section.  No changes made.


 World Night Updates


The group discussed that the event would be outside, and that was not the main concern.  One of the concerns was the group would need to start practicing indoors in March, and that means the cafeteria space would also need to compress starting in March.


The group also at this time discussed the current COVID numbers and discussed how and if that could affect the world night practice.


The group had minor updates to the school plans, the Social Skills Lessons-2ndStep was removed from School Plans


The group then discussed the PTA meetings and funding.  The group noted that one element that came out of the PTA meeting, is we do not need to raise 24k per year to meet our needs in the fundraiser, we don’t need to make as much as we can, we only need to make what we need.  This is very important to the PTA, the SCC and the principal.


Between the two field trips per year and the world night, we only really need 12k per year.  With that in mind the PTA suggested, why don’t we do a fundraiser then every other year.  The PTA group agreed.


The world night cost was discussed.  The expenses for world night was the bleachers

that accommodate 54 people.  The dance instructors are an additional cost, but still within budget. J. Nalwalker is also working with each grade levels to ensure they are within budget.   The group discussed the artists and the artist teachers.  4th grade will perform the program that includes American folk dance, they will do that dance inside of world night

5th grade will learn Maori dance from New eland.  There is a lot of effort put into world light.  The schedule for world night will be very similar to other years.



  1. Nalwaker discussed sending out a survey the beginning of March. The world night may have to cancel if we do not have a place to practice.

The dance lessons would start the week of the 28th of March.  Most of the PTA would like to see this happen.  The SCC agreed.  A note will be included in the survey that states the SCC, Butler and the PTA want to understand how the community feels but will still base the decision on the COVID count and the community; both will be weighed in the decision. 


Next Meeting

That is the plan we have for replacing second step

Other business-Lori

The next meeting is 9 feb at 730am.  Motion to adjourn by G. Givone, L. Carter seconded.   All members voted to close the meeting.