2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

February 9, 2022 – Agenda

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda



Parent Members                                           Employee Members

Lori Carter                  _____                          Summer Briggs           _____

Tyson Grover              _____                         Gretchen Givone         _____

Annettte York             _____                          Jeff Nalwalker            _____

Chris Gunther             _____

January Anderson       _____

Kerri Welter                _____




Winter School Data Update

  1. Goal review attached below.
  2. Winter 2022 ReadingData
    1. 61% of K-3 students in Pathways of Progress
    2. Unavailable
    3. 77% of K-3 students at or above benchmark on Acadience Comp Score
    4. 67% of 4thgraders and 76% of 5thgraders scored proficient or advanced on Reading Inventory. This score is measured against EOY benchmarks. (71% combined)
    5. Unavailable
  3. Winter 2022 MathData
    1. 74% of students K-5 are at or above benchmark on Acadience Comp Score
    2. Unavailable
    3. Unavailable


Other business-Lori





Next Meeting




Butler Elementary School 2021-2022 School LAND Trust Plan


GOAL: Language Arts

By May 2022:

  1. Increase the number of students in the pathways of progress on Acadience Reading Composite Scores from 66% (January 2021) to 75%.
  2. Increase the number of students moving from below benchmark on Acadience Reading Composite Scores to at or above benchmark from 39% (January 2021) to 60%.
  3. Increase the number of students at or above proficient on Reading Inventory scores from 66% (January 2021) to 80%.
  4. Raise overall school proficiency on RISE ELA scores in grades 3-5 from the 80th percentile (May 2019) to at or above the 85th percentile of demographically similar schools.


Action Plan Steps

  1. Fund Tier 2 interventionists to provide evidence-based interventions to students achieving below benchmark or otherwise lacking specific identified skills in reading.
  2. Ongoing professional development for expanding proficiency in structured classroom discussions
  3. Focus on Teacher Clarity by conducting staff book study of The Teacher Clarity Playbook
  4. Include time in PLCs for grade-level professional development
  5. Public practice using peer walkthroughs and video observation and reflection


Planned Expenditures

Salaries and Employee Benefits 100 and 200 / Action Plan-Step 1 / $78,620


Estimated Carry-over(as needed if the carry-over is >10%)



Funding Changes

Language Arts Goal, Parts A-D

  • Hire additional interventionists
  • Increase hours of existing interventionists
  • Increase opportunities for public practice (additional sub days for peer observations)
  • Purchase technology hardware and/or software to support academic goals
  • Purchase new materials or replace current materials to support academic goals



Butler Elementary School 2021-2022 School TSSP


GOAL: Math


By May 2022:

  1. Increase the number of students at or above benchmark on Acadience Math Composite Scores from 70% (January 2021) to 80%.
  2. Increase the number of students moving from below benchmark on Acadience Math Composite Scores to at or above benchmark from 53% (January 2021) to 75%.
  3. Raise overall school proficiency on RISE Math scores in grades 3-5 from the 75thpercentile (May 2019) to at or above the 80thpercentile of demographically similar schools.