2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

February 10, 2021 – Agenda

Parent Members

Lori Carter                 _____

Tyson Grover             _____

Alex Prebula              _____

Annettte York            _____

Chris Gunther            _____

January Anderson     _____


Employee Members

Karen Hammer          _____

Jeff Nalwalker            _____

Gretchen Givone        _____






Approve Minutes from previous meeting-Lori



TSSP Planning Phase-Jeff

  1. Budget Challenges > Spending $$$ > Hiring
    1. The district is in discussions to increase pay for instructional aides
    2. President Biden and the Congress are talking about raising minimum wage to $15.00 over the course of some years. Our starting wage is currently $4.00 over minimum wage. This is a challeng ovever the long term.
  2. What works? Biggest bang for our buck.
    1. We know that hiring aides to provide targeted interventions is one of our most effective tools
    2. We know that public practice and reflection is an effective way to improve instruction. (Subs) *trade-off
    3. Providing time to plan together. (Subs) *trade-off
    4. Professional development. (Subs) *trade-off
  3. Other ideas
    1. Additional software for ongoing assessment of reading comprehension
    2. Material to support current innitiatives – SEL
    3. Technology ***
    4. Before and after-school tutoring (“Bobcat Den”)


Surplus Funds 2020-21-Jeff

  1. Total planned surplus with high-end of promised raise: $18,690
  2. Total projected surplus as of January 2021: $63,000
  3. This is $44,310over our projected surplus.
  4. Reasons include:
    1. Raises came in on the lower end of projections
    2. Three positions went unfilled $24,000
    3. Moving aide from instructional position to office position due to unexpected office retirement. She was paid until November 9thfrom different budget.
  5. We have purchased math material, reading materials and software with some of the surplus money already
  6. We are following our surplus plan to purchase additional technology including updating all remaing student devices as well as teacher ipads and laptops to spend the remaining surplus down to close to $0.


One-to-One Initiative-Jeff

District Plans

 Other business-Lori


  1. Are you interested in me inviting our school social worker, Kelsey Weaver, to give you and overview of our new SEL curriculum (2ndStep) at an upcoming meeting this year?