2700 E. 7000 South, Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

December 4, 2019 – Minutes

Butler Elementary School

SCC 12/04/19 Minutes


Parent Members Present                              Employee Members Present

Lori Carter                                                       Karen Hammer

Francois Coquemont                                       Jeff Nalwalker

Annette York                                                   Jullien Naudot

Rusty Lugo

Edward Bennett

Tyson Grover


  1. Welcome Jeff read notes from the last meeting. Karen motions to approve minutes, Tyson seconds, all agree.


  1. School Safety Discussion Jeff talks through school safety report and drill calendar. Guest will train staff for the active shooter drill. Discussed communicating in an emergency. DIR-S for communicating among teachers, police, and adminstrators. Discussed Reunification plans, perhaps in May to do a walk through over at the church, our safe place. Visitor procedures have all guests checking in at the office first. Hoax threats. Community partnerships, Officer Potter.  Bus safety. School climate, Social workers Kim Robinson and Kelsey weaver. SEL Restorative practices for repairing relationships. Attendance. Canyons Family Center for example, anger management classes as an option.


  1. What is our number one safety concern? Items brought up: A shooting, or an intruder, is the worst concern, but aggression and bullying, and the children’s anxiety levels as the most for day to day. Also brought up, contacting/communicating parents in case of an emergency. Edwards brings up divorced parents and custody issues as a concern. Annette brings up technology time and blue light as a concern.  #1 Social  and emotional wellness of our students.


  1. Action plan to address concern. Full time behavior assistant and social worker. SEL program being introduced. Restorative practices. Reunification drill in May.


  1. Other safety concerns. Transition to middle school. Jeff will contect with district with this.




All motion to adjourn, all second. All rise!



  1. Set Agenda for Next Meeting: