Attendance Goal: All students will attend school at least 95% of the school year. In order to achieve this goal, students cannot miss more than 8 days of school for the year. All students who achieve this goal will receive an attendance certificate and be entered into a drawing for a new bicycle at the end of the school year.
School attendance is very important. Every absence from school interferes with your child’s opportunity to learn. There is a growing body of research showing that Chronic Absenteeism, usually defined by researchers as missing 10% or more of the school year (including excused and unexcused absences), has a significant negative effect on student achievement and may put a student at academic risk. The goal for Butler Elementary is that all students miss no more than 5% of the school year, in an effort to help every student be successful now and in the future.

School Success Goes Hand in Hand with Being in School Every Day! Did You Know?
- Many absences, even in kindergarten, can cause children to fall behind in school.
- Missing just a day or two every month can make it harder to learn to read by the third grade.
- Students with too many absences struggle to catch up, even with take-home assignments.
- Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves.
What Can You Do?
- Develop a regular bedtime and morning routine.
- Avoid missing school unless a child is truly sick and seek help if chronic illness is a challenge. Check with our school nurse or office staff if you are not sure about when to keep your child at home due to illness.
- If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school support staff, or other parents for advice on how to make him/her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
Types of Absences
- Valid Excused Absence: An absence excused with approved verification (ie. doctor note, dentist note, legal note, wedding announcement, obituary, or other approved verification).
- Guardian Excused Absence: An absence excused by a parent/legal guardian without approved verification. Parents must call the office or send a note within one week of the absence. The limit is five (5) days each school year per Canyons District policy 500.35; any additional absences without approved verification will be considered unexcused.
- Unexcused Absence: Any absence without a valid excuse.
Communication Procedure for Valid Excused Absences
- Illness or Medical Appointment: Parent provides a note from a health care provider to the front office.
- Family Death, Family Emergency, Religious Holiday: Parent provides notification to the school that the student will be absent (obituary, wedding announcement, etc.).
- Procedure for Education/Vacation Leave: A student may be allowed up to ten (10) days for education/vacation leave in a given school year, if prior arrangements have been made with the school for the student to make up his/her homework. Prior to education leave, parents complete an Education Leave/Vacation Formfor approval. Teachers will complete the “Work to Be Completed” section and determine a reasonable due date. School administration will verify education leave.
Unexcused Absences:
What Happens if my student accumulates unexcused absences? | |
Compulsory Education Information: noticeincluded in online registration and in other publications sent to community and patrons. | |
Phone Call or Phone Call with Email from the teacher. They will inquire if the student is doing okay, express concern, and ask what the school can do to support the student making up work and not falling behind. | |
Notification of Attendance Issue/Truancy Citation#1 – The attendance secretary will send, via both email and regular mail, a letter from the principal explaining that the student has missed six unexcused days of school and reminding the parent of the importance of regular school attendance. Parents contact the principal within 3 days to discuss their student’s attendance. | |
Notice of Compulsory Education Violation/Truancy Citation #2 – The attendance secretary will send, via email, a second letter from the principal explaining that the student has missed nine unexcused absences. The letter will include a scheduled appointment for parents to meet with the principal, discuss the attendance, and develop a plan for improved attendance. A copy of the letter will also be sent to Suzanne Ren, District Truancy Officer, who will send a hardcopy of the letter via certified mail. | |
Notice of Habitual Truancy/Truancy Citation #3 – Suzanne Ren, District Truancy Officer,will send the Habitual Truancy Citation Letter #3 through certified mail warning of the pending court referral. A Court referral will be made if the student has five more unexcused absences during the school year beyond letter #3. | |
Court Referral – The court referral may result in a class B misdemeanor with the potential of a $1,000 fine and 180 days in jail. |