Butler Elementary School
SCC Agenda
Parent Members Employee Members
Annette York ____ Aubrey Doyle ____
January Anderson ____ Gretchen Givone ____
Carrie Welter ____ Jeff Nalwalker ____
Christine Phillips ____
Annalisa Spencer ____
Review School-Based Positive Behavior Plan
- What learning opportunities and/or activities will your school provide to teach students about peer pressure, mental health and creating positive relationships?
- Thrive Time
- Regular classroom circles
- Girls Support Girls after school program taught by our social worker and behavior assistant.
- Botvin Lifeskills
- PBPmay include programs, clubs, service opportunities, pro-social activities. Please list any of these resources your school will implement this school year:
Girls Support Girls: This is an after school program taught by our social worker and behavior assistant. Our target audience is 3rd and 4th grade girls as well as select 5th grade “graduates” who serve as “mentors.” However, those 5th graders are also there for continued scaffolding. We run two to three 6-8 week sessions each year.
- Please list the name of your Positive Behavior Specialist (School Social Worker or Elementary Counselor) who will be responsible for implementing the plan, submitting annual reports and coordination and training with Student Services. This individual will receive a $1,000 stipend for implementing this plan including attending the coordination meetings with Student Services throughout the school year.
School Social Worker, Kelsey Weaver
- Other PBIS Systems
- Use of PBIS Rewards Program – Digital system for rewarding positive behavior
- Bobcat Spotlight
Elect a Co-Chair
Other Business / Next Meeting