2700 East 7000 S., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

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French Dual Language Immersion School

May 12, 2021 – Minutes

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda



Parent Members

Lori Carter                 __X__

Tyson Grover             __X__

Alex Prebula               __X__

Annettte York            __X___

Chris Gunther            __X__

January Anderson     __X___

Employee Members

Karen Hammer          __X___

Jeff Nalwalker            __X___

Gretchen Givone        __X__




Approve Minutes from previous meeting-Lori

The group requested a motion to apprvorve, C. Gunther first, K. Hammer second. All in favor, no one opposed.  Motion passes


Elections (May 10-11)

  • Bump to May 12-14
  • Candidates

There is one other person interested in running, A York and T Grover are running again.

  1. Hammer is stepping off of the SCC, another internal Butler teacher will be stepping in.

Jeff will create the votes and run it for two days of elections, it won’t start until later this afternoon, but their will be two days of voting.

  1. Carter asked when do we have to have people elected by, J. Nalwalker said not until the fall.
  2. Carter suggested that we extend the vote to field day since so many parents will be involved and this allows for a full parent vote opportunity.
  3. Nalwalker suggested a motion to move election to the 24th and 25th, C. Gunther seconded the motion. All pass, no one opposed.


Cell Tower Funds

  • $12,848, the funds are actually now 10,090

The fund raiser was successful. The funds are used for field trips and replacement cycle for student devices in the classroom, to support the 1:1 initiaitve of students to devices.

The group agreed that using the money for enriching student life with student activities, for example world night, those funds will be used for those activities for the students.

The school budgets have been raising enough money to replace the devices and host events for the students efficiently since J. Nalwalker has been involed at Butler and Canyons.

The cell tower funds need to be redefined as this can be spend.  The SCC has been asked to help define how the cell tower funds can be used.

  1. Nalwalker has been seeing what other schools have been doing with cell tower money, one of the colleages provides a monthly meal for the teachers, allows the teachers to connect with the group and the principal.
  2. Nalwalker is proposing to use some of the funds for teachers professional development and social emotional learning and connecting with the fellow teachers and students. That is about 1500-3000 for example, also for teacher dinners and meals to connect and talk about the culture and morale of the year.  The funds are also used for enriching student life, and not necessarily more curriculum.

Culture and Morale

The cell tower funds come from AT&T, Verizon, etc, the cell tower providers.

  1. Nalwalker is looking at ensuring the funds are spent on student enrichment, not just spending it to spend it.


Tyson and Annette will create write ups for election, then J. Nalwalker will send out the follow up and election will be held next week.


  • Professional Development – Day Retreat
  • Monthly Meal
  • Currently, it is used sparingly to purchase items that cannot be purchased with State/District appropriated budgets.


Other business-Lori

The group said thank you to K. Hammer for supporting the SCC.  She has been an amazing support and exelempry of positive classroom energy and supporting the mission district.

Motion to adjorn, first G. Givone, C. Gunther second, motion passes.  Meeting has adjorned.
