2700 East 7000 S., Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

US News Utah’s Top Ranked Elementary School Badge

French Dual Language Immersion School

September 15, 2021 – Minutes

Butler Elementary School

SCC  Agenda




Parent Members                                           Employee Members

Lori Carter                  X                                 Summer Briggs           X

Tyson Grover              X                                Gretchen Givone         X

Alex Prebula               _____                         Jeff Nalwalker            X

Annettte York            X

Chris Gunther             X

January Anderson       _____






Elect Chair & Vice Chair-Lori

Chair: Annette nominated Lori, Tyson 2nd     Vote: Unanimous

Vice Chair: Lori Nominated Annette, Chris 2nd      Vote: Unanimous


Schedule Meeting Dates-All Meetings scheduled for 7:30-8:30 on Zoom

September 15, 2021                October 13, 2021                    November 10, 2021

December 08, 2021                 January 12, 2022                    February 9, 2022

March 9, 2022                        April 13, 2022                         May 11, 2022


Review By-Laws and Rules of Order-Lori

1.) Lori advised new members to do the SCC 101 trainng online. All should participate in annual trainings.

2.) We need to update bylaws (#4-2 more parents)


Land Trust / TSSP-Jeff

1.) Progress toward goals 2020-21 plan

  1. Jeff mentioned that lower grades struggled more due to lack of foundational skills and COVID.

2.) Review 2021-22 plans (Dashboard)

  1. Jeff read through this year’s plans


Review Other Plans-Jeff

1.) Safe Walking Routes (school web page)

2.) Positive Behavior Plan

3.) School Safety and Digital Citizenship

  1. Annette suggested that the school hold a 2ndStep parent night to familiarize parents with the program. Jeff said he and Kelsey would lead a discussion, Annette would offer commentary from a parent’s perspective. We can look at facilitating small group break out sessions to do a 2ndStep lesson.


Next Meeting

1.) Receive School Safety and Digital Citizenship reports from the district             -Complete 21-22 plan if time permits

2.) Review Current Year Land Trust Expenditures-Move to November


Other business-Lori

1.) Lori advised more parents to get involved in board meeting to make sure that a wide variety of viewpoints are represented

2.) November meeting: Budget Deep Dive for 21-22 TSSP

3.) Annette asked if we could consider teacher well-being as part of budget ammendments for any excess funds projected in November.

4.) Jeff will publish Zoom links for all other meetings.


Progress Toward 2020-21 Land Trust Goals


Math Goal
By May 2020-21:
80% of students will be at or above benchmark onmath composite score(74%)
Kindergarten: 85% of students will be on benchmark in Number Identification Fluency  (72%)
1st Grade: 80% of students will be at or above benchmark onmath composite score  (59%)
2nd Grade: 80% of students will be at or above benchmark onmath composite score  (68%)
3rd Grade: 80% of students will be at or above benchmark on math composite score  (75%)
4th Grade: 85% of students will be at or above benchmark onmath composite score (80%)
5th Grade: 85% of students will be at or above benchmark onmath composite score(86%)


ELA Goal
By May 2021:
75% of students K-3 will be in the pathway of progress(62%) – The State goal is 60%
– Kindergarten: Phonemic Segmentation
– 1st Grade: Nonsense Word Fluency Correct Letter Sounds & Whole Words Read
– 2nd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency
– 3rd Grade: Oral Reading Fluency
B. 80% of 4th & 5th grade students will be proficient on the reading inventory(80%)


Science Goal:Results NA























2021-22 Positive Behavior Plan





School Safety Plan












Digital Citizenship Plan